Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Anticipation

3 weeks to go.............the anticipation is mounting and the days are filled with wondering and expectations and planning (kind of like being pregnant).............The summer has felt like a long transition period. Work has been scarce, since my time is limited and committment postponed. New relationships are overshadowed by a four month savings is shrinking as I experience this hiatus before the trip. It's all part of the deal.

We still don't have many definite plans, although we have received lots of advice:) We are just going to be gypsy travelers, who occasionally splurged on a good hotel. We thought about Amsterdam yesterday......forgot all about that country. Are those people "Amsterdamians" or "Amsterdamish"? Wondered. Molly wanted to know if they have marijuana bakeries for non-smokers. Wondered. Might have to add that to our list, just to find out the answers.

Still undecided on the shoes.