Monday, September 14, 2009

We have arrived!

Yes, we are in London for day for the beginning of the adventure. Muchas gracias to miss Gylany Rose for driving us to Sea-Tac for a perfect, on time departure. Zach's going away present was tiny little white sleeping pills, left over from his Brazil I hesitated taking one, but they were sooooooo tiny (glad I didn't take two!) Molly and I fell asleep on the plane before take off. ....and only woke up a smidge here and there. The flight was totally uneventful, or if it wasn't', we totally missed it all.

In our attempt to be frugile, we took the underground (MIND THE GAP) from Heathrow to Earl's Court. Walked a few blocks to our youth hostel and settled in.

Ok, for anyone else besides me who has never stayed in a hostel.......oh my. We had to buy towels for the shower, locks for the storage. Molly and I have a bunk bed in a girls room with 6 others. The shower is across the hall (turns my nose up) and the common area downstairs. This is somewhere between camping and a 2 star hotel.....maybe one star. I have seen other "old" people around, and of this I am greatful. We will see how the night's sleep goes, but at this point, we are probably tired enough to endure a small herd of late night youth hostlers coming and going.

Molly is studying to make a plan for tomorrow......................Cheerio!