Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bathing in a Cathedral...............

In the city of Budapest, a uniquely local experience, is bathing in one of the many thermal spring spas. Some date back to Turkish rule. Which one would we choose? Hmmmmmm. Let's go with the "Happy Hour" pricing at Gellert Spa, on the Buda side. A walk across bridge and down below Gellert Hill.

I had my map. I had pictures of the inside. I couldn't find it. Molly gets a bit embarassed when I have my map out and the guidebook too. Even with all that, I couldn't find it. She found it. Inside a hotel (thanks Lonely Planet), it was found on instict and not direction......kind of like my adversion to GPS systems......lesson learned.

Anyways, we walked into a small piece of heaven on a grey day. It felt like going to church to swim. I was looking forward to soaking in the hot, mineral waters, as my legs were still sore from the hike down the Matterhorn a few days earlier. I had my suit, rented a towel and headed off to the pool and hot tub. Co-ed. Cold water in the pool. Too many kids in the hot tub.....I thought "this is what happens at Happy Hour". Still felt good, but Molly and I were actually chilled and had had enough.........then we discovered the THERMAL, HOT SPRINGS, ALL WOMENS, POOL. Yes! That was more like it. We turned to prunes in the hot water, showered, walked back to the hostel relaxed and refreshed. Vowing to try another pool another day.

I met a couple at the hostel that were very friendly and interesting. I had actually researched a restaurant to try that night and invited them to join us, which they did. Samantha (currently living in Istanbul, Turkey, but lived prior in San Franscisco) and Mirco (currently living in Dublin, Ireland, but raised in Italy)........I knew exactly where the restaurant was, I mapped it all out before hand. I was confident. Took us about an hour to find it. Back and forth up the same street. Finally, stumbled into it on a side street, based on a picture. The restaurant, Csiga, didn't even have it's name posted......what are they thinking?

Regardless, the food was wonderful. It was a local hangout with a great menu. Maybe because we walked so much to find it, maybe the company was enlightening, maybe we were super hungry, but the dinner was the best yet. We left full and happy and found our way home, without further circles and maps.