Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sawadee Pee Mai (Merry Christmas!)

In Thailand, everyone knows it is Christmas, but it is not really celebrated. There are decorations around, but mostly for the tourists and visitors. The Thais get more excited about the New Year.

I decorated the dining room table with a fold out Christmas tree, tacky garland and Santa pictures. I had one gift for each person and Molly played Christmas music on her ipod. We had another huge breakfast and within half an hour our celebration was over. But we had a busy day ahead.

Molly and Cookie made the famous and popular “no-bake” cookies and covered them in red and green M&Ms. Zach, Noel and I borrowed motorcycles and headed out on a ride. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. Zach kept telling me to get on the right side of the road (the wrong side, or different side, but not what I was used to). I couldn’t find the blinkers for turning, but Noel said nobody uses them anyways. It was hard for me to remember how to shift and the brakes didn’t really work. I did find the horn though and I used that a lot. Since everyone stared at us as outsiders from another planet, I just honked and waved and smiled, getting the same in return. We all returned in one piece.

We had all been invited to lunch at Nee’s cousin Gunika’s home. Even though we had just had breakfast, we went to have lunch and meet more family and see the house being built by Gunika and her husband. This new house is huge. Maybe 8,000 square feet….a swimming pool in back and pools in front for lotus and koi. The hallways are very wide, there are 4 sets of stairways, it is very open and airy, but of course, they don’t have to worry about a heating bill. Rooms have individual air conditioners, and the halls and open areas tend to be warm. I hope I get back to see the finished product. Gunika and I talked about an arranged marriage between her daughter, Aim and Zach. We laughed and joked and developed a perfect plan.

Nee and Gunika arranged for us to ride mopeds in the afternoon and head back to the elephant village area to watch the elephants have their afternoon baths. I actually got back on a mellow, female elephant and rode her into the lake! I went up and down in the water with her, nearly slipped off a couple times and waited for her to spray me with water, but she never did. We fed the creatures sugar cane and watermelon after their baths and talked about bringing an elephant home for a pet. Cookies family had tried to buy an elephant twice. The first deal they backed out of after the elephant killed the trainer. The second elephant got into a pile of rice and ate so much he died before the deal was sealed. Too much work in elephants.

To wrap up our Christmas, we went to a restaurant for karaoke. Hesitant, it is a popular local activity, so we all went along with it. Cookie and her dad are both really good singers, so of course they are comfortable getting up on stage. I finally succumbed to coercion and sang with Cookie and then her dad wanted me to sing a Frank Sinatra song with him……argh…..I hadn’t even had any wine! I figured I had nothing to lose (except my dignity). Zach and Noel got up and sang an old Creedence Clearwater song and a Beach Boys song. Such talent. It was hysterical. We ended the evening by singing Jingle Bells and We Wish you a Merry Christmas.

I have had two new experiences today which I may never do again: elephant bathing and karaoke.