Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Budapest Wrapped-Up

Cold, cold, cold. It has gotten really cold. No rain or snow, just a penetrating cold. The people are bundled up in puffy coats, hoods tied tight, furs and gloves, boots and hats. The sky is grey, and the buildings are grey.

Regardless of the fact that Molly left my coat at the bar last night, never to be seen again, I go out in the cold in layers of sweaters to see Castle Hill. Great views of the city and the Parliament building and the Danube river. Walk around the quiet area, take pictures and step inside the museum to get warm. I really need a coat.

We spend our last full day visiting the Jewish Synagogue and Museum. The second biggest in the world. Listen to the sadness in the tour guides voice as she goes over the history of the local Jewish Community. A tour member asks her if she is Jewish. Her response is do not ask people about their religion in this country and much of Eastern Europe. Religion is personal and private. You can ask how much a person makes in income, but do not ask about religion. The opposite of the United States.

The tour guide get very quiet after that. She actually abandonned the group. We think she was distressed about the question. Hmmmmm. I wonder how much she makes in income.

Molly and I are cold. We find the solution in the shopping mall. I get a new coat. Molly gets a warm turtleneck. I get boots. Still cold, we head to another Turkish bath for a soak in the warm, sulfur water. That heats us to the core.

There are many homeless people, beggars and shanty halls around. The coldness brings a new challenge to these people. The subway underground has become a gathering place for all of them to keep out of the cold. Tonight, I see someone who has brought a big vat of soup to the underground. He serves hot soup in paper bowls to all the homeless. There is a big crowd. I hope it will keep them warm thru the night. I hope one of them ends up with my lost coat.