Saturday, November 21, 2009

When in Rome Do as the Romans Do...........

What does that mean anyways? Does that mean I should smoke and throw my cigarette butts in the gutter? Does that mean I should talk loud and arrogantly in a crowd? Does that mean I should eat pasta and drink red wine late at night? Does that mean I need to be Catholic? I had to look it up:

So, the story goes like this: when St. Augustine arrived in Milan, he observed that the Church did not fast on Saturday as did the Church at Rome. He consulted St. Ambrose, bishop of Milan, who replied: "When I am at Rome, I fast on a Saturday; when I am at Milan, I do not. Follow the custom of the Church where you are." The comment was changed to "When they are at Rome, they do there as they see done" by Robert Burton in his Anatomy of Melancholy. Eventually it became "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

I guess I am glad I am not Catholic and if I was Catholic, I would prefer to live in Milan.....hahaha.

Anyways, I almost hated Rome before giving it a chance. We didn't like our accomodations, the cost of everything was outrageous and the homeless and beggars surrounded the central area where we arrived. Before we had settled for the night, we had booked our way out, giving us only two full days in a city where I am sure you could spend weeks.

The next day, my mind was changed and I found a part of Rome I could love and enjoy. Molly and I spent an amazing day visiting the Colosseum and the Forum area. Granted the fact that it was about 75 degrees with clear blue sky could change any pessimists attitude:) We spent the most of the day walking and exploring and seeing these 2000 year old remnants from early Rome left in the middle of one of the largest metropolitan cities in the world. Hard to imagine a day in the life of an early inhabitant of Rome then......sitting in the Colosseum watching herotics torn apart by wild beasts as penance for their crimes.......yuck.

Walking above the ruins, we met a man traveling with his niece from the U.S. We talked to them for awhile, as he was familiar with Bellingham. Eventually, we talked about dinner and I invited Molly and I to join them, which they seemed excited to do.....I mean really, when you travel 24 hours a day with someone, it is so nice to mix it up a bit and have some conversation with new blood. I gave them an out.....we decided to meet at seven and if either party didn't show up by 7:15 we would carry on indepently. Ok. See ya.

The fountain seemed like a good plan at the time of conversation. Molly and I dressed up and arrived early, so we shopped a little and headed to the fountain a little after 7. No one. Did we get stood up? OMG. I think we are at the wrong fountain! Was it the fountain at Piazza Barberini or the fountain at Piazza di Spagna? OMG! My one opportunity in Rome to talk to another adult and I have screwed it I leave Molly at fountain #1 and I run off to fountain #2.

I am in Rome, so I do as the Romans do....I walk fast, push my way thru crowds, glare at cars that won't let me cross the street, ignore the beggars and street vendors and speed the direction I believe is right. Oh, I found the Spanish Stairs.....famous.........big flight of stairs......I haul ass down the one......well, this isn't really a fountain now is it, I think. OMG. I was right the first now I go up, up, up all the Spanish Stairs and backtrack slowly to Molly. I take a few pictures on the way, give some money to the beggars and move out of the way for all the pedestrians, letting my heart rate settle.

When I strolled into the Piazza del Barberini, there was Molly with our new friends, waiting patiently for me, all the while I felt like a nutcase. Regardless, we shared a great dinner, nice conversation, a few laughs and now Molly and I have more Facebook friends! OMG.